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The Full Story


No Limit Volleyball was founded by Lydia Doty-Faulk, Head Volleyball Coach at Harper Woods High School (since 2020). Starting as a new coach was no small feat, especially recruiting girls. Therefore, she recruited girls with the determination to learn the game of volleyball amongst the general high school population. She and her coaching staff referred her girls to numerous camps and clinics to develop their skills in and out of season. However, one thing stood out to her... They were ALL on the west side of Metro-Detroit. Not only that, they would also tell her that it was too far and/or they had no one to get them to/from the west side.


During Coach Lydia's first year coaching, her high school team earned the title of conference champions in the Michigan Metro Athletic Conference (2020) despite battling the COVID-19 outbreak. The following year, her high school team were runner-ups in the same conference (2021). Now Harper Woods High School has been moved to OAA, and Coach Lydia is determined to compete amongst these larger schools and offer volleyball training sessions to young athletes. Hence began of her journey to provide affordable and effective volleyball training to youth.



Our mission is to introduce youth to volleyball early on for them to develop into astounding volleyball players via affordable and effective camps/clinics hosted by No Limit Volleyball LLC.


Our vision is to provide affordable volleyball camps and clinics on the eastern Metro-Detroit side. We also recognize that the introduction to volleyball to youth as early as possible to create the best athletes a vital piece to our vision.

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